Saturday, April 9, 2011

News of things to come...

Sometimes it's hard to start writing on a blog. Other times you have an idea so specific you don't even have to wrtie, but let images speak. This blog suffers a multiple personality: it is hard for me to start writing, and the idea is so specific that I thought I would never start something like this.

Apparently the mix of the two things created a distortion in the time-space continuum, freeing some time in my packed schedule, so here I am starting a blog that talks about my attempts at building stuff in 3D software. So here you will find screenshots of my works, elements I have never got around to render, but you will also find images that we, in the world of Architectural Visualization, call render.

If I were to go by the book, I could describe a render as a "photorealistic image produced by software that imitates nature conditions of light and makes a 3D model look real".

Experience, however, has taught me that a render is, really, just an attempt of the designer to show the client what he (or she) had in mind for a particular project. More often than not, the client's answer is: "That's not what I had in mind..." and it means that it's back to the old drawing board for you and all your team.

I'd like to clear at this point that you won't find breathtaking, ground breaking, eyepopping images here: my goal is to publish several examples of my evolution as a 3D modeler and renderer, just because I think it's fun. So a lot of the early posts will be full of really horrible stuff, I'm not kidding. I just hope that in time, what I produce here gets better and better, but there is still a very long road before we get there.

Besides, every long journey starts with one single step... this post is the first step of a new one.

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